Bootstrap Example


Leonard Hello,
My name is Leonard Maina and this is my official web portfolio.
I am an embedded systems graduate engineer- having recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering, with Second class honors - Upper division from JKUAT university. I am also enrolled into the ALX- Software Engineering Program which entails a 12-month Full Stack programming course. My area of interest in engineering is on the following fields:

Inspired by innovation, I thrive on experimenting with different concepts and have been commended for inspiring and developing unique and thought-provoking ideas. I have cultivated certain skills through a range of practical experience that I have documented on this website. The link is on my résumé. These strengths, combined with my passion for the industry have created a strong foundation to meet the needs of this position. I strive to contribute to an energetic and team-driven work culture. I am artistic and dependable but also aim to bring a cheerful and enthusiastic attitude to every project. Bringing strengths in critical thinking, teamwork and time-management.
In this portfolio, I have documented some of the projects that I have been involved in previously as a way to showcase some of the skills that I have been building on over the years. Some of these skills include but are not limited to:




Most of the machine learning projects I have done involved the use of Tensorflow Object detection API where I used transfer learning to build models and train them on the unique datasets for each project. For instance, the Wheel Clamping Robot[Patented] utilised a raspberry pi camera as input to a model that could detect cars and the position of the wheels in real time. I have also done a freelance project on Audio classification using python where the model built was trained to identify a specific beep sound in any audio file and only actuate commands when this beep sound is detected. For this I had to use libraries such as librosa.



I believe that this has been primarily my area of focus in the field of engineering. I am comfortable working with most microcontrollers such as arduino boards & esp boards, microprocessors such as the Raspberry Pi and a whole assortment of sensors, actuators and other accompanying electronic boards. On this portfolio, I have documented some of the proof of concept projects that I did during my attachment period at Gearbox Kenya either as part of team or as an individual.



As a Mechatronics Engineer, I have extensive experience working with design softwares such as Inventor Professional, AutoCAD, Solidworks and Fusion. I have also worked with proprietary softwares such as Prusa and Cura to 3D print some of the designs that I have built in previous projects.



Aside from engineering in the conventional view, I have also indulged into data analytics as an extra skill to my skillset. I have intermediate understanding working with Power BI tools, SQL databases, Tableau, R and Python Programming as tools in giving useful insights to large volumes of data. This is a sub-skillset that I am still working on and hope to perfect in the coming years.



This has always been a passion of mine. I believe I was brought into this world to build things and hence my passion for building robots. So far I have built a wheel clamping robot prototype, a line following robot and a maze solving robot. I am also participating in the RoboKen competition 2023 where our team has been tasked to build a pick and place robot that can assemble different parts of a wooden toy car autonomously. I am yet to document some of these projects on my portfolio.



I am fluent in Embedded C programming language, an intermediate at C++ and Python programming language. I am also good with bash commands and capable of working with Windows, Linux and Debian operating systems. I am also currently involved in the ALX - Software Engineering 12-month program that is supposed to cover C, Python, JavaScript and HTML programming.